Houston, We Are Good To Go

Wednesday I had my pre-op appointments. At Mayo they check every med and supplement you take to make sure it’s not going to interfere with the operation. I had blood tests. I had a long consult with the P.A. (physicians assistant) who explained everything about the operation. And lastly I met with the surgeon who confirmed we’re good to go.

Today we called the number which had a recording telling me when to show up at the hospital Monday morning. It is 6:00 am! We’re going to have to get up at 4:00 am to do everything I need to do. Sunday will be a day of clear liquids only. Monday morning 12 ounces only of apple juice with meds. Theory is apple juice has carbs which help the bowels to get activated after surgery. I’ll be having my usual dinner blended meal Monday early evening.

And if I am fortunate, some people have been discharged after two days instead of  3-4 days. That would be berry, berry nice.

Wouldn’t you know Nalani developed a cyst in each eye from excess oil glands. She is now on a daily regimen of hot compresses, flaxseed oil, fish oil, and doxycycline. And today she had a pain procedure repeated that she had done a year ago for her back pain. They actually “fry” the nerves to alleviate the pain. They had her take two 5mg Valium before the procedure. It was funny to see her talking like a drunk sailor!

Today’s Daily Calm was about pausing. Pausing after each inhale, pausing after each exhale, pausing anytime throughout the day before responding to situations where emotions, sensations or thoughts arise. Initially I was a lot more anxious about the surgery. I generally find it easy to observe and accept whatever is happening in the moment. It is refreshing to know that all things are temporary. I feel physically in good shape with the exercising. Emotionally I am calm. Spiritually I am at peace and grateful for Nalani’s support, your support and the grace of being alive.

May all of us be love and share love with all,


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