
Today Nalani and I went to Whole Foods so she will have wholesome meals. At one point over the speaker system a Beatles tune was playing, Do You Want to Dance With Me with lyrics including “it’s only rock & roll” and “it’s got a back beat to it”. Indeed the music has a back beat that made me want to move my body. So I started dancing to the music in the aisle right there. A sales gal looked at me and smiled.

I couldn’t stop dancing the whole time the song was playing. So I danced around the store looking for Nalani’s list. It was so much fun!

A woman walked by me pushing a stroller with twins in it. I’m so attracted to new life. I went over and waved my finger back and forth and one of them smiled. Priceless!

I guess I love being in a place full of nutrition and fresh food and all kinds of items for one’s well being.  I can’t taste or eat a lick of it by mouth but I sure love looking at it.

The good music continued and I continued moving to the music.

When we checked out the bagger put everything neatly in four bags. After he was finished I had this urge to hug him as a way to thank him, so I did, which brought a big smile to his face.

I had to go back for one item for Nalani. This time checking out the adjacent cashier started snapping his fingers by the face of my cashier. She smiled and seemed used to him. After she bagged my item, I went over to him and started snapping my fingers with my one good hand. He started again too and said “life’s a snap dude”. Nice!

I left Whole Foods feeling very much alive, enthusiastic, and joyful. I made a sweet connection with a counter person, an infant, a mother, a bagger and a cashier. What joy!

Today I would say overall was a good day. When I am feeling wonderment with everyone I meet and feeling good about where I am, life is ever so rich. Of course it starts with feeling wonder and feeling good within myself. And when that is happening all interaction with others and with nature reveals the endless abundance and exuberance which we all share. Put simply loving me enables me to love you unconditionally.

Love yourself today.


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