
One of my Christian aunts emailed me and asked why I haven’t given thanks to god  for all my blessings and good fortune. So let’s talk about god.

Most religions are organized with rituals and stress in their teachings that god is almighty, separate from us humans, and encourage us to give our life to god. They all serve a useful purpose and essentially encourage the human spirit  to live a moral, peaceful, loving life with all. If one believes that there is a god with her hand on everyone’s destiny, that’s okay. Perhaps what is more relevant is how one is living one’s life day to day.

Nalani, my wife, is a practicing Catholic. Because of her we decided to get married in the Catholic church. And I desired to help others, so I became a Eucharistic Minister, and administered to hospital patients for three years. At one point I did a one week silent retreat and read the entire New Testament. And it is Jesus teaching about love and peace and humility that stood out for me. If I were to sum up Jesus in one word it is love.

I’ve meditated for many years using a variety of disciplines. It wasn’t until after several years of physical challenges that I became acutely aware that I wanted to experience and be love not just some of the time but all the time. And it wasn’t until I started loving me that I began to love others. Living joyfully is priority number one.

Mindfulness embraces all religions. When I began practicing mindful living, what or how you are makes no difference. What matters is am I loving myself and am I loving you.

I like to think of god as the Source of Life. We know the science of our bodies but we don’t know where the Source of Life comes from. And obviously there is a Source that sustains us all. I do know when I feel connected to the Source of Life I am loving and kind and compassionate and forgiving and joyful. So my purpose in life is to be connected to Source at all times.

Easier said than done I know! Work challenges, relationship challenges, health challenges keep us busy. And the that’s the beauty of mindfulness. It allows me the chance to sit, breathe and be aware of now, which is all that really matters.

So Aunt Jean, I give thanks to the never ending Source of Life which fills my body and spirit with awareness and love and joy. May it be so for you and everyone today and everyday.



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